An aspect of Australia’s culture is known by the world for its endlessly unraveling vastness, the shy understated beauty of this ancient wilderness and for its most respected species, the red kangaroo which is used for the country’s best known emblem. The land is compared to a movie starlet who always looked lovely in her pictures and for producing the world’s most gigantic sportsmen. In 1999 After Sydney the Capital town of Australia won as a country eligible to host the year 2000 Olympic Games. The country was overwhelmed with joy and everyone celebrated this victory, whilst on the other side of Australia laid an untold story of the of the world’s most horrific violation of human rights, which was the fading life of the Australia’s black nation the aboriginal people. Their poor living conditions and lack of Health facilities led them to have a short life expectancy. I have recently discovered how sport can be used to portray to the world that the country had no experience of the badness of the world. In 1997 Australia’s foreign minister Andrew Peacock maintained “that it was impossible to divorce politics from sport because the Governments impose a political dogma on its sportsmen and sports associations”.

“Both these countries have strong cultural and natural attractions which i believe was a legacy of footprints left by the ancestors of the indigenous people of each nation. A nation becomes strong,  recognized by the art and culture of the past, in museums who will be there to tell native tales if a country’s indigenous nation is destroyed? their paintings can be viewed online @

The aborigines were rendered industrious and useful to the government and to improve their own conditions. Young aboriginal children were exploited at a very young age to be progressively useful to the country either as agricultural laborers or a lower class of workers. Just like how black people were exploited in South Africa during apartheid to become slaves to the British people. The only difference between Australia and South Africa is that in Australia the name domestic worker is used instead of slave. Similar to that of our country’s history (black Australia) the aborigines lived with a strong dependence on the land which was agriculture. The inaccessibility of proper healthcare facilities led most of them to be exposed to curable diseases but there is no budget to address their health conditions, Aborigines die three times faster than white Australia. Though both countries are members of the Commonwealth of Nations, the history of black achievement in sport is not acknowledged. It is like it’s not allowed in the memories of each country though there were many successful black teams and individuals in both countries. Aborigines too just like black South Africa were disposed of their land, and secret systematic massacres were orchestrated and it was never a media issue. Most detainees died in custody, Eddie Murray the 21 year old athlete who was found hanging dead in a police cell, and South Africa’s Steve Biko who also died in custody during the apartheid days.

Sometimes the past whether good or bad it is a necessity that it be told from time to time, as to remind generations the struggles and difficulties it conquered, to ensure the pride and value of the nations is engraved in the hearts of its young people, and in that way you can be sure they will surely serve their nation.
