22 September 2014

Africa in its nature of geographical landscape and appearance can be personified with so many beautiful natural attractions around the globe, but this continents exquisite culture seems to be fading to cultural imperialism. The implementation of this theory was to innovate and cultivate the mind of Africa for better economical, social and political development. However this perception changed as this theory swept our continent of its cultural heritage and values.  It’s the culture that distinguishes Africa from other nations and the 18th and 19th century settlements of the British displaced the indigenous people from their ways of life and were forced to submit to European rule, and were later encouraged to assimilate into western culture. “The colonization of our land by Europe and Britain also created a legacy of Afrikaner grievance and industrial economy with a landless black peasantry that provided the captive labor force to service it” –G.Kitson Clark(Historian). Their dogmatism made black people feel their place was occupied with a few thousands of ruthless savages sitting like a nightmare upon a land that would support millions of civivilised men happily. Since this dogmatic invasion descendents of original black landowners have died or moved away and the developers creeped in. It left scars which no one took note of and these emotional wounds play a role in the behavior of our black Africans which the same Europe perceives it as barbaric.

Grief of the African nation did not begin with Apartheid; it has been an underlying issue and the longest held silent internal war with nobody to treat the casualties, which within built an emotional heap of anger, resentment that developed enmity (which was engineered by fear and hatred) among our people. Culture in Africa holds a strong ground for shaping the moral and the ethical behavior of our people, it also used to identify and protect interests of a particular tribe against other African tribes. Is anyone to be held accountable for the racial inferiority? How do we bridge the gap enforced by the dogmatism of Europe? How many African that have been stripped of their cultural identities? It’s like Africa was forcefully traded to western ideologies with no spoken history of Africa’s beauty and its value for human life, respect for the aged and its ultimate quality of love and a commune society. Africa must not be perceived as an unruly nation, we are aware now of the causes of such behavior; instead a research has to be done on how the racial inferiority caused by colonization and oppression of the Apartheid system can be combated in our nation


Ms Tshaka said…
Great concept, well articulated and very much informative