Heritage, Culture and Art- Their role in Society

It can be defined and narrowed in so many ways, but in short Heritage is the sense of belonging and assimilating your decisions and opinions on that particular belief. E.g. sport, culture, art, religion and the pride and confidence you will have on that heritage. In our days it is a challenge to get young people to have an interest in their Heritage though there is a minority of young people who have a genuine interest in heritage and the values it holds, they are proud of sharing their view with society concerning that particular cultural heritage. At this instance will be taking a close look on Art.
In the university I am enrolled in I visited the Arts department and decided to find out how Art played a role in the lives of students and how they feel it’s impacting in the community.
“Africa is ravaged by civil wars, xenophobia, hunger and diseases, it is up to Africans like us to bring such issues into the light, we are the torch bearers of the revolution”. And Art, music, sport became some of the aspects that are influential in revolutionalizing our society. Different cultures working together usually produce interesting situations which requires sensitivity, creativity and understanding e.g a group of Art work from different individuals may convey a positive non-verbal message that can transform our society.

 Art students

“I like making art and helping people understand life and the things that happen to us”. – Anonymous 13
These students are encouraged in making critical decisions and taking responsibility, by creating Art work that sends a message through a public event like an exhibition. Art in the minds of young people is used to inspire the participation of the youth in community building and what they can create in their own communities, Discussions with young people need to be facilitated and being able to identify various issues that they feel are important in their lives and the community. Art also plays a role in the lives of our Senior citizens, probably keeps them alive, I believe Art represents the beauty within because all the inspiration you need to create an Art work begins within, hence that beauty has to be cultivated through programmes that will enhance their ability to be creative, and this way society gets transformed bit by bit. Instead of seeing young people begging on the street, you see them displaying their work for sale with pride, and if they receive support from other fellow citizens, other young people will be motivated to exhibit their talents, breaking away from criminal activities and anything that destroys the mind s of young people turning our society into a world of disorder.

Continuous effort-not strength or intelligence-is the key to unlocking our potential”- Liane Gardes

An old woman displays her Artwork at the Shell Ultra City in Queenstown, she exclaims that her ability to be creative does not only supports her financially but she believes indirectly she is a role player in the community and the country as she assists other old people to cultivate their talents. She says “young and old upcoming Artist needs to be recognized as well” it takes an amateur to build a professional and Art displays diversity. www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/courses-listing/history-art
